There are 2 categories of users which are admin and general users. Only admin users are able to create user accounts for other users. However, even admin cannot create another admin user.
The admin would be in the position to create your user account for you. Please visit the admin if you need credentials to login.
You have to login first to change your password. After logging into your account click on the link that says Change Passwword and proceed from there.
If you have forgotten your password, only the admin can help you to reset the password. Complain to the admin of your school to help you with resetting your password to default you can then login with the default password before changing the password to another one of your choice.
There are 2 ways to enter students' data. The first way is to enter the student's data into the system directly. This can be achieved by clicking on Manage Student menu item. The click on Add Student button at the top-right corner of the screen. The second method involves preparing the list of student on a csv file and upload them through the upload student button that is located at the top-right corner of the Manage Student screen.
To update existing student data, first search for the student whose data you want to change at the Manage Student screen. After the student's detail has appeard in the table below, click on the Edit Student button that is on the same line as the target student. Then make appropriate changes and finally click on Update Button on the new window.
In order to manage subjects, click on Subjects menu on the left pane and from there use Add Subject button to add new subjects or click Edit Subject button in from of each subject to update them. Subject created cannot be deleted
Managing classes is by clicking of Manage Classes menu item on the left pane and proceed to Add Class using appropriate buttons. Class created cannot be deleted.
Subject allocation can only be done inside the Manage Classes window. There is an allocate subject button in front of every classes. Clicking this button would provide a window where subject to the allocated can be selected and added or de-allocated.
Only the admin can perform this function. There is a menu item called Global Settings that is available to only the admin. Clicking on this menu item would take the admin to the page where all the information can be changed and updated.
The template can be obtained from the Results menu page. This page contains 3 panels and it is the first panel that allows the download of score template. Select the appropriate Class and click on applicable button for subject scores template or Other Assessment template.
After downloading the template. Enter your scores into the downloaded template. Download different template for each subject or assessment. The downloaded template is a csv file and the file format must be maintained. After filling in the scores go back to the Results page and upload your scores. The scores to be uploaded is the completed csv file and the second panel is the appropriate panel for this. Select all necessary options in the panel and then click on Upload Score button to complete the process.
To make changes to a student's score, fist visit the Results menu page. The use the third panel to seach for the student in question. All the subjects taken by the student would be displayed on the screen with their scores. Select Edit button to edit the score of the selected subject. Please note that only the user that upload the subject would have the authorization to make changes to those scores.
School admin must release the results before it can be available to the public. Otherwise, only staff would be able to view the results from within staff account
To release the results, go to the results page from the left pane of the application. From this page locate and click on
Release Result button on the top left corner of the screen. A new window will appear requesting session and term to be released.
This procedure can be repeated as many times as possible. So other results uploaded after the release would not be available to students until this procedure
is performed again.
This is the same as submitting scores for subjects. The only difference is that when downloading csv template, the appropriate one must be selected for these results. secondly when uploadling the result, other skills should be selected in the space provided for type, then select appropriate skill under subject before uploading the file.
There are three reports available which are, Subject report, Student report and the broadsheet.
There are 3 types of report that can be generated. The first report is the Subject report, which is obtained by visiting the reports page and selecting appropriate options under the Subject Report and click on View report button. The second report is the individual terminal report while the last report is the broadsheet.
There are two methods to promote pupils into the next class. The first method involves editing students one by one. This way, new class and new academic session would be selected for the student before the submit/update button would be selected. Promoting a large class could not be done in a similar way. To promote the pupils in batch or bulk, first visit the Manage Students page through the left pane, then download the students using the designated button at the top, then re-upload these student that you just downloaded using the same page. The only difference is that this time you are going to be selecting different class for them as well as different academic session.